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Holistic Leadership Development

Our Commitment to Results

We pride our programs on practicality, immediacy, and relevance. What you learn in the morning is something you can apply that afternoon. We do not offer turnkey programs. Instead, we take the time to understand you and your organization and your challenges. We then create solutions designed for you and your Team.  

Our Philosophy

We believe in the whole person approach to leadership. What you do at home and on weekends is just as important as your work week. Sleep, exercise, eating, and mindfulness all contribute to being your better self. We help create the right habits so that you are your authentic-self sunup to sundown, you have the energy and focus, and you multiply your experiences to start living the life you deserve.

Our Experience

Two Eagles Leadership is your perfect partner for leadership development, personal growth, and building a winning Team. With over 75 years of combined leadership experience in and out of the military, we know what it takes to succeed. We’ve been there, leading a few to leading thousands, and know how to create buy-in and commitment through improved self-awareness, trust, respect, empathy, influence, and communication.

Specialty Areas

Leader Archetype - Your servant-leader archetype is outward-facing, describing how you best contribute to the world, whether that is your company, cause, vocation, or community. Once you know your servant-leader archetype, you can be very intentional about serving as a better version of yourself. Once you know the WHOs of your Team, you can help them serve as the best versions of themselves. Your energy, team performance, and internal communication will improve significantly… immediately.


TWO EAGLES LEADERSHIP is proud to partner with the Resilience-Building Leader Program™ Team to deliver RBLP, RBLP-C, and RBLP-T Certification Prep Training. The Resilience-Building Leader Program preparation training focuses on five domains -   Create a Positive Climate, Develop Cohesion, Provide Purpose, Facilitate Team Learning, and Support Organizational Learning. Our strength lies in our experience and ability to help you visualize and articulate success in your career across all RBLP domains.

The Team

Roy Love


Roy Love helps leaders and Teams develop the skills, habits, and qualities necessary for sustainable success. A former senior executive, he knows what it takes to lead diverse workforces and distributed Teams across complex portfolios. He helps leaders harness the power of personal engagement to build and sustain relationships with Teams, customers, peers, and bosses. Let him help you lean into your authentic self and develop a personal, organized way to solve problems, innovate, and create impactful Teams.  

Phone: 904-380-1574

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Jeff Marquez


Jeff Marquez helps leaders be their better authentic leader self so that they increase their impact and value to the Team, peers, and customers. A former senior executive, he has experienced the chaos and frustration of misaligned priorities, toxic people, and faltering teams due to mistrust. He uses his Homeland, White House, and military experience to help you get beyond the chaos, be the best version of yourself, build trust, and create powerful Teams. 

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